Yes - I live in a desert

DBG - a young Cactii, originally uploaded by rob-the-org.

I think I have finally adjusted to life in a desert environment. Yes, Phoenix is a desert. Don't let all of the trappings of civilization fool you - it is still a desert.

I think I finally realized this the other day. I was driving back from running one errand or another - and I went past a block where they are putting in a new planned development (yes - I know the housing market isn't the best in the world right now - but some builder's insist on trying to build and sell new homes anyway). I passed a street sweeper going down one of the streets trying to keep the dust under control (this is serious - local govt's fine the builders if they don't keep the dust down from their building sites. So there is a whole industry of street sweepers and water sprayers out there soley for keeping the dust down). And as I passed by - I could 'feel' the increase in the humidity due to the water that the sweeper was spraying on the road.

There are a couple of fountains at the entrances to some of the other neighborhoods - where I have noticed the same thing the last couple of times I have gone by.

[Click to see historical temp/humidity from Phoenix during a week last July (2007)]

My father-in-law has joked that when he gets out of the bath - that by the time all of the water has drained out of the tub - he is usually dry.