Fiber optic cable - the backbone of the Internet

fibre optic cable, originally uploaded by spore2002.

If you are looking for something to read when the holiday overdosing kids put you are the verge of a nervous breakdown - just find a warm browser and bring up the following article by Neal Stephenson (author of the Cryptonomicon) about the construction of the FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Around the Globe) cable.

Service through the FLAG cable was disrupted earlier this week - when what has been termed a 'seismic event' off of Malta.

Another section of this same cable network was cut in off Egypt back in January - probably by a ship's anchor.


Winter in the Desert - rainy season

Large waterdrops on glass, originally uploaded by rob-the-org.

Winter has finally arrived in the desert - which means rain isn't just a dream in the weatherman's eye. It started with just a sprinkle yesterday and has been a steady rain overnight.

I wonder how many overconfident SUV drivers will have to be pulled from their vehicles after driving through flooded washes.

But now I have bigger fish to fry - one of those overconfident SUV drivers has just rear ended my wife while she was driving to work.
