White Knight 2 - aka "VMS Eve" leaving Phoenix

I got up and out of the house at an ungodly early hour this morning to get to the airport on the otherside of the Valley where White Knight 2 (aka VMS (Virgin Mother Ship) "Eve") had spent the night after its unscheduled landing on Friday.

I met up with some of the other local aviation photographers and waited to see when she was going to leave. Since the payload (Spaceship Two) wasn't being carried - WK2 was in the air in less than half of the runway.

The pictures below are from her departure almost right over us.


Ssshh - its a secret

Richard Branson's newest toy (complements of Burt Rutan & Scaled Composites) - is hiding in a hanger outside of Phoenix.

It diverted there after a warning light came on - while they were on the way to overfly the groundbreaking on the Spaceport in NM.

It is now scheduled to leave sometime tomorrow morning and the crew would prefer no one take pictures of it on the ground. Waaah!

[UPDATE - 5:27pm MST - the unscheduled landing made the local paper's website, so I guess it isn't much of a secret anymore. The guy who took the picture that's not shown above any more (it was being used by another web site w/o giving Joe credit, so the picture got removed) - made the local news Friday night.]


How does.... a cockpit window catch fire?

VH-EBB Jetstar Airbus A330, originally uploaded by stef747.

The Airbus A330, operated by Jetstar, was flying from Japan to Australia when a window in the cockpit caught fire.

Until they can determine what caused Air France #447 to crash - I think any Airbus operator will err on the side of caution for any seemingly minor problem.


Underwater picture update - The article with my picture is on the website

I found that the article that my picture was used for got posted to the PopPhoto.com website yesterday.

My picture was used for the "How To... Dive In Using A Compact" tip.

But what I didn't expect - was that my picture would headline the whole article on the PopPhoto.com website.



Can you see the 3rd plane in this picture?

As I was going through and reviewing this recent picture I shot at Sky Harbor (Phoenix) airport, I found a 3rd plane in the frame of this picture.

Click on the picture to get to the picture on Flickr - where you can view the full size version (it helps to find the 3rd plane).