Optical Illusions / Subliminal messages

A long time ago in a Galaxy far far away - I went to school to get an education. Still trying to figure out how that happened, and why I still remember the craziest things.

But one of the more creative things I was exposed to - was Subliminal advertising. That was the idea that images are retouched ever so slightly to impart a theme to the viewer, w/o the viewer actually realizing or consciously recognizing what they were seeing.

There were some doozey's - but you have to realize it was the late 70's/early 80's - and there was no such thing as 'Photoshop' - so any images either in stills or motion pictures - had to be altered by hand.

Two of the examples that have stuck w/ me all of these years are;
- skulls in the ice cubes of liquor ad's
- the word 'Sex' in Lincoln's Beard (on the old $5 bill)

Now all of that said - I came across the following link to Mighty Optical Illusions today - and all I could think about was that old 7th grade class (it was part of English - still trying to figure that relationship out).

Let me warn you - if you 'see' the allusions in these pictures - you might be offended by what they are suggesting.


I found my Dayton pictures!

Boeing Bird of Prey, originally uploaded by rob-the-org.

I had this set of pictures (and there are several more than what I have posted to Flickr so far) that was MIA somewhere on one of my PC's.

They were taken when we blew threw OH - on the drive out to Phoenix in 2004, so they would have been on my older laptop or my big desktop. But I couldn't find them.

Obviously - I finally found them (they were in the Shared Pictures directory - because I put them somewhere that Pam could get to them since she always says she never sees the pictures I take), and have started to post them.

And I have found a really quick way to get hits/views on your picture - is to include a Star Trek reference in the tags/descriptions. Because there is a Star Trek fan site - http://trekweb.com searches Flickr for Star Trek related pictures. And in the course of a couple of hours - I had over a hundred hits on this particular picture. Now - enough pictures of peoples cats named 'Spock' have taken me off their home page.
