No one home...

No one home..., originally uploaded by rob-the-org.

I was leaving town last week on a business trip - and I had the first flight of the day. Too bad no one told the airline that they had a full load of passengers ready to go flying with them. TSA was ready to screen the bags - but they can't screen them until they get checked in.

[Standing around waiting for someone to check bags - is only obnoxious - when you arrive at the airport at 4am, and would rather have been sleeping longer instead of standing around waiting].

90 minutes before the flight - at least 6 staff members streamed out of the behind the scene's hideaway and proceeded to check everyone in and direct us up to the 'B' gates.

Where the security checkpoint - wasn't open yet. So it was time to walk to the other end of the Terminal to go through the 'A' security checkpoint. And then walk back to the 'B' gates (because the moving walkway inside of security was being replaced on the A -> B pathway).

Oh - and when I walked past the 'B' checkpoint - there was at least enough TSA staff to have a lane open.

I hope this trip gets better.....


Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

What's with the weekend of February 21st? It seems like there is no shortage of things to do all at once.
Why couldn't this all be spread out across a couple of weekends?

[UPDATE - 16-Feb] - I just need to stop looking for things on this coming weekend. I keep finding more;