Yesterday's USA Today published an article on some of the best places to watch airplanes come and go at major US airports.
They didn't list any for PHX - but since all of the runways go the same way - it isn't hard to find them.
Looking for a place to watch airplanes?
Now that's a Corporate jet
When the company you found is worth over a hundred billion dollars - and your personal worth is estimated at over 10 billion dollars - its not hard to see how you want to avoid the TSA screening lines to go out of town.
But a Boeing 767? That's a twin aisle jet normally reserved for international routes or a countries head of state - not a personal/corporate jet. Unless your are Larry Page and Sergey Brin - the co-founder's of Google.
The plane have been rennovated, so instead of 180+ passengers, it is now equipped for 50, and is based at NASA's Moffett Field (near to Google's Mountain View CA headquarters).
Most viewed pictures for October 2009
Sorry for the low volume of posts for October. It was a busy month - a week of vacation (family in town), and then a business trip back to the East Coast.
I was looking over the calender and realized that the end of 2009 is getting closer. Amazing how time flies.